How did we do?
At we value your opinion. We would therefore like to hear how the handling of your order went and whether there are any points for improvement. Of course we like to receive reliable reviews, so reviews written by people who have actually made a purchase from us. We therefore use the Kiyoh review system for our reviews.
Some time after placing an order you will receive an invitation to share your experience with us via Kiyoh.
If something went wrong with your order, please contact us immediately by sending send an email to or call us on 020-6102031 so that we can take immediate action..
Why Kiyoh reviews?
To check the reliability of reviews, Kiyoh has built barriers into their system that ensure that the reviews come from real customers. In addition to automated checks, Kiyoh also performs manual checks to prevent false reviews as much as possible. You can find more information about Kiyoh and Kiyoh's review policy here. has no influence on whether or not the written reviews are shown, and we also have no influence on when the review is shown.
Anyone may post a review at Kiyoh as long as the Kiyoh terms of use are met.
Reviews written on their own initiative are immediately displayed online and verified within 72 hours.